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The life of Davidoff Cigars is the life of Zino Davidoff. His brilliant savior vivre infused all aspects of cigar craftsmanship and enjoyment. A visionary in all regards, Zino was a man who ensured time, like each of his cigars, was always beautifully fileld.


As the 20th century closes, Zino presides proudly over a new global launch.

The New Generation of Davidoff comprises 28 formats from the smallest cigarillos to the majestic Double Coronas, all hand-selected and hand-crafted. These cigars are a celebration of the lifelong devotion, exploration and innovation of Zino Davidoff, a man thoroughly passionate about cigars, fine tobacco and the vibrancy of a life well-lived.


Zino’s store catapults into prominence as a new, cosmopolitan hotspot. Davidoff of Geneva is a place of warmth. Customers become friends as they share cigars and forget the strain of wartime. King Farouk of Egypt, Baron Rothschild, writer Orson Welles and actress Gina Lollobrigida follow their love of fine cigars to Zino’s door. Davidoff of Geneva becomes Davidoff of the World.